Investment Management Platform
SAMAS is our premier, proprietary, fully integrated investment management platform designed to streamline, to automate, and to scale all facets of investment portfolio management, trade execution, and risk management.
SAMAS directly leverages the benefits of passive & active asset management methodologies, combining the insights of active management with the low cost, transparent, highly disciplined, efficient & scalable, rules-based approach for the construction of fully customized passive indices, including:
Customized investment portfolio mandates from plain vanilla to exotic, ad infinitum
Automated portfolio management, execution & rebalancing
Asset fungibility in strict adherence to specified mandates
Real-time scalability, both operationally and in compute resources
Institutional Investors: Key Benefits
Everything involving the SAMAS Wealth Management Platform is custom built for scalability and seamless implementation, rendering the SAMAS Wealth Management Platform, the undisputed investing operating system of choice.
Key benefits include the following:
Client Scalability ad infinitum via Automated and Algorithmically-mediated Portfolio Execution/ Rebalancing
Replication of ETFs and Indices ad infinitum, thereby ensuring superior product customization/ differentiation/ compliance, while providing niche Client exposures/ allocations (Proprietary)
Portfolio Customization ad infinitum
Active Management Capabilities Scaled ad infinitum
Portfolio construction directly leveraging dynamic asset properties (can be potentiated applying AI/ML models/frameworks and a very exciting development)
Implementation of 3rd Party Mandates ad infinitum
Scaling of new business from sales to portfolio management
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